We've moved! Our new office location is 616 S Morgan St, Shelby, NC
At CPS Construction, we are committed to serving our community in as many ways possible. We are blessed to be in the position to help out our local non-profits in Cleveland County and are always looking for more to support. Below are some of the organizations that we currently support.

One More One Less Project
The One More One Less Project is a local organization that exists, "To Inform, Inspire and Intertwine the local church with foster care, reunification, and adoption". We are blessed to be able to support them and all of their efforts.
Diaper Run
The Diaper Run is an annual event that CPS Construction hosts. This event supports the One More One Less Project, and foster families in our area. In 2024, we raised about 6,500 diapers that were distributed throughout Cleveland County with the help of the One More One Less Project. This was a completely free event that hosted a concert from Lindy Bryson, a motorcycle ride from Oak Grove Baptist Church to Shelby Mission Camp and many more.

Rodeo Polkville
The Rodeo Polkville is an annual rodeo hosted at Mintz Arena in Polkville, NC. The event raises money for the Polkville Baptist Church's mission efforts locally and globally. CPS is a proud partner of the Rodeo Polkville.
Non-Profit Opportunities
CPS is always on the search for more ways to uplift our community. If you or someone you know is looking for support with a local non-profit organization, we would love to help.
Contact our office to learn more.